The Coaching Process
Understanding Executive Coaching.
Executive Coaching has been prevalent in different forms throughout history, whether it was Socrates guiding Plato in philosophy or Jijabai grooming young Shivaji on Strategy or transformational coaches of today like M Goldsmith building great leaders. Coaching is highly recognised and accepted today as a leadership development tool.
At Verite HR, Coaching is a well-structured process supplemented with appropriate tools like 360 degree feedback, psychological assessments and results oriented through one on one sessions. The process facilitates deep understanding and leveraging of one’s own strengths as well as recognizing and overcoming blind spots.
Our Coaching fundas :
Need based, time bound and measurable.
Asking right questions rather than providing right answers.
Is confidential, non-judgmental, and non-directive.
We believe Coaching is useful when :
Preparing for a new assignment or transition to a higher role.
Hi-Potentials need to balance growth with behavioral excellence.
In Career transition situations – to ease the stress and anxiety while preparing for new opportunities.
We at Verite believe that the Coach is the enabler and facilitator so we ensure our coaches are experienced, trustworthy, trained in the right techniques with ability to build rapport and nurture the coaching relationship.
Reach out to Team Verite today to discuss how we can help you reinforce your leadership team.